Sailing training
"Sail like a captain and play like a pirate"
That's our motto and signifies that our professional approach to teaching always needs to be enjoyable and fun. We focus on clients above 35 years and sail exclusively on premium yachts. Next to learning sailing skills we also find enough time to enjoy the country and local cuisine.
Sailing training, skipper training, SKS and SSS practical courses, mileage trips, sailing expeditions
Sail like a Yachtmaster
Beginner's course
There are no technical prerequisites for the beginners' courses. The course aims to train participants to become competent crew members . It starts with the basics: behavior on board, safety on board, some theory about sailing, we practice all sailing maneuvers , we learn the correct use of winches, clamps as well as all lines, sheets and halyards and much more.
In addition to the learning content, there is of course also plenty of fun and so we will of course make plenty of stops for swimming , going snorkeling, exploring the country and islands and visiting sights.
This is the perfect combination of a relaxing holiday, meeting nice people , being active while sailing and getting to know new countries and the local cuisine .
The daily schedule will be discussed with your skipper, who will incorporate your wishes into the trip as best as possible. In the evenings we will anchor in wonderful bays or dock in picturesque harbors.
Sportbootführer - SBF See
The pleasure craft license is the official German licence to navigate a pleasure craft on inland waterways and sea routes.
On sea routes (usually up to three nautical miles ), a pleasure craft licence with the scope of sea routes (“SBF See”) is required to drive pleasure craft with a propulsion engine (motor boats and sailing boats) for vehicles with a net power of more than 11.03 kW (15 HP) for combustion engines or 7.5 kW (10.20 HP) for electric motors (the relevant operating mode is S1 (continuous operation).
This means that this is the only license that you officially need to operate boats. However, charter companies usually also want proof that you can also operate sailing yachts. In Germany, this is usually the SKS license .
Most people do the SBF Sea at home at the local sailing school on the lake or river. However, in my opinion, you can learn it much better on a sailing trip with a yacht. The exam is usually taken on the last day of the trip and you come back well rested and with the license.
practical exam
In the practical test, the theoretical knowledge must be implemented and applied on a pleasure boat. In detail, the following is required for the scope of maritime shipping routes:
Mandatory maneuvers: Casting off, mooring, rescue maneuvers, steering by compass, bearings
Other maneuvers: Stopping on course, turning in a tight space, driving according to navigation signs/landmarks, putting on a life jacket/seat belt, maneuver sound signals (two of the three tasks must be carried out with satisfactory results)
Knots: Figure eight knot, reef knot, bowline, single sheet bend, double sheet bend, stopper bend, web bend, web bend on slip, round turn with two half hitches, securing a cleat with a head hitch (of a maximum of seven knots provided, six must be completed with satisfactory results and their use explained)
A maximum of two attempts are permitted to complete the tasks adequately. The exam must be completed within one year - the deadline from the first part of the exam to the last - otherwise any parts of the exam that have already been passed will expire. It is not possible to repeat a failed part of the exam or an exam on the same day.
Sportküstenschifferschein - SKS
The Sport Coastal Skipper's Licence (SKS) is the official licence for sailing yachts with a propulsion engine and under sail in coastal waters (all seas up to 12 nautical miles from the mainland coast). It is required for sailing commercial pleasure craft in coastal waters.
SKS requirements
minimum age of 16
Possession of the SBF-See
Proof of 300 nautical miles on yachts with the respective propulsion type in coastal waters (it is important that you already have at least 200 nm before the practical trip, otherwise it will be a bit tight before the exam)
Practical exam
In the practical examination, the theoretical knowledge about sailing a yacht in coastal waters must be realised and applied. In detail, the following are required with propulsion engine and under sail:
Compulsory tasks
Rescue manoeuvres under sail
Rescue manoeuvre with engine assistance
Both manoeuvres (under sail and with engine assistance) must be performed and at least on the second attempt with sufficient results. They may not be combined into one manoeuvre.
Manoeuvre with propulsion engine
Mooring with propulsion engine
Cast off with propulsion engine
Manoeuvre under sail
Tacking or gybing/Q-tacking
All manoeuvres with propulsion engine and under sail must be carried out with sufficient results at least on the second attempt.
Other tasks
Safety briefing, emergency roll, handling lifebelt and lifeline, use of lines when mooring or casting off (spring, fore and aft line, line on slip)
Reading the weather instruments thermometer and barometer, assessing the weather conditions at the location and at the time of the test
Determining the ship's location, setting, determining and converting courses, working with a receiver for a satellite-based radio navigation system, working with the steering compass or hand bearing compass
Engine, electrical system and gas system
Control and operation
Of the other tasks: seamanship/skills, meteorology, navigation and engine, electrical system and gas system, three out of four tasks must be assessed as ‘sufficient’.
Seamanship/manoeuvres with propulsion engine: turning and/or stopping in confined spaces, preparing the yacht for entry and exit, performing an anchor manoeuvre
Under sail: setting/setting sails while underway, arriving and/or departing while underway, sailing upwind
Of the other seamanship/manoeuvring tasks, a maximum of two may be set and one task must be assessed as ‘sufficient’.
If the SKS is only sought with a propulsion engine, the manoeuvres described above with engine assistance and under sail are not tested.
Many sailors have already passed the theory test before the practical cruise. This has the advantage that you already know many of the ‘theoretical’ questions that are also asked in the practical test and you will be issued with your SKS licence immediately after passing the practical test.
However, this is not absolutely necessary, as almost as many start with the practical part and do the theory afterwards. The examination is organised by all sailing associations and always depends on the number of candidates, location and time. You can see the exact description of the course in the dates.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Sportseeschifferschein - SSS
The recreational sailing licence (SSS) is the official licence for sailing yachts with a propulsion engine and under sail in coastal waters (all seas up to 30 nautical miles as well as the entire Baltic and North Sea, English Channel, Bristol Channel, Irish and Scottish Sea, Mediterranean and Black Sea). It is mandatory for the navigation of commercially used recreational craft in coastal waters.
SSS requirements
from 16 years of age
Possession of SBF See
Proof of 1,000 nautical miles after acquiring the SBF with the scope of maritime navigation as a watch leader or his representative (of which at least 500 nautical miles before the theoretical examination) or 700 nautical miles after acquiring the SKS on yachts in the sea area
Practical examination
In the practical examination, the theoretical knowledge of sailing a yacht in coastal waters must be realised and applied. In detail, the following are required
Rescue manoeuvres
Emergency management
Handling of the yacht
Technology on board
Paper chart/nautical literature
If the recreational sailing licence is only sought with a propulsion engine, the manoeuvres under sail described above are not tested.
In the SSS practical course, experienced and safe yacht handling is a prerequisite. The usual sailing manoeuvres, sailing commands and MOB manoeuvres should be safely mastered. Of course, we will train all manoeuvres sufficiently during the week so that everything is 100% correct. The special feature of the SSS is that you only have one attempt.
Skipper training
Sail like a yachtmaster
Aquila Sailing offers for all training levels a suitable sailing course. Starting from a beginner's courses to practical sailing courses to prepare for the German SKS and SSS practical exams and last but not least a professional skipper training.
There are no technical requirements for the beginner's courses. The aim of the course is to train the participants to become competent crew members. It starts with the basics: behavior on board, safety on board, some theory about sailing, we practice all sailing manoeuvres, we learn how to use winches, clamps, line handling, using halyards and much more.
In addition to the training content, we will not neglect to have a great time and will spend sufficient time for swimming stops, go snorkeling, explore the islands and visit amazing tourist sights. The daily rprogram will be shared by your skipper, who will incorporate your requirements into the trip. In the evening we will anchor in beautiful bays or moor in picturesque ports.
SKS/SSS practical courses will prepare the participants intensively for the German Skipper Licence exam. This includes skippering all sailing maneuvers safely and in a controlled manner whilst managing the crew with the correct sailing commands and terminology. We will practice port maneuvers and the essential elements of good yachtsman and leaderhip on board regarding communication, safety on board, navigation with and without electronic support, engine technology as well as weather forecasting models. Of course it is also possible to take the course for the practical exam of the German SBF See licence.
The skipper training is an excellent additiont to the practical courses and usually builds on the SKS certificate. We will intensively practice all sailing manoeuvres with and without crew. For each maneuver we will practice the appropriate single-hand technique,vso that you will grow your self-confidence as a akipper.
Program for the week during the skipper training:
- Check-in and take-over of the yacht
- Provisioning
- Safety briefing
- Perfect harbour manoeuvers
- Mooring / casting off with the stern to the jetty (mooring line / anchor)
- Lay on/off sideways
- Turning in a small space
- Tacking/jibing/heaving to
- Arrival/departure
- MOB maneuvers
- Rescue persons from water
- Anchoring under motor/ sails
- Mooring at buoys
- single-hand techniques for all manoeuvers
- Sailing with emergency tiller
- Sailing "blind"
- Plan a passage
- Logbook keeping
- Route planning with and without electronic aids
- Dinghy usage and outboard engine handling
- Simulation "Fire fighting", "Water ingress", "Life raft"
- Video analysis with drone videos
- Technology: engine knowledge, repairing sails, servicing winches
- Handout with professional skipper checklists

SY Lady Iga - Ortigia, Sicily
Our boat SY Lady Iga is a Delphia 40.3 of CE category A for worldwide cruising on all oceans and seas, equipped with a new Raymarine navigation system, including AIS, VHF and radar. This means that we can also practise for SSS practice cruises.
Lady Iga is in perfect condition and has three spacious double cabins, a saloon with galley and two bathrooms.
In addition to the starter and bow thruster battery, the boat is equipped with two LiFePo4 batteries with 560 kWh and a wind generator. This means we are self-sufficient from shore power and can easily anchor in secluded bays without sacrificing any amenities.
The Webasto auxiliary heating and the air conditioning system as well as the fans in all cabins enable comfortable sailing in all seasons. A high-performance battened sail as well as the 130% genoa or racing Mylar genoa and a gennaker also make Lady Iga a competitive boat in regattas. Participation in various fun regattas in the Mediterranean is planned.